Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tar Sands Investor Alert

We were pleased to host an event last night on the litigation brought by the Beaver Lake Cree. Their traditional territory overlaps with tar sands operations.

They are suing since tar sands and other industrial activity are rendering their treaty rights to hunt and fish meaningless when there soon will be nothing to hunt or fish.

We also did some interesting outreach to investors who face growing legal risks in tar sands country because of First Nations litigation. Basically, the entire Alberta resource permitting regime is more than a decade behind court precedents, rendering individual permits - including tar sands permits - suspect.

Other First Nations in the tar sands area are already in court, with more to follow soon. Overall, this is one more way in which sanity is intruding on the out-of-control dirty oil machine in Alberta.

Matt Price
Program Manager