Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ontario outshines Sunshine State, surging to #3 in North American solar market

2009 was a breakthrough year for solar power in Ontario. A report by the U.S. Interstate Renewable Energy Council showed remarkable growth in Ontario’s solar market in 2009, pushing Ontario to number three on the list of states/provinces for installed solar power, installing 46 MW of solar panels last year. Only California and New Jersey installed more solar power, 212 and 5 MWs respectively. Ontario even performed better than the so called “Sunshine State,” which installed only 35 MW.

2010 is poised to be an even bigger year for solar power in Ontario. According to the Canadian Solar Industries Association, Ontario will install as much as 200 MW in 2010 (100MW have already been installed), pushing it closer to the top in North America. As a result, several new solar panel manufacturing plants have opened up shop in Ontario.

This massive investment in solar is driven largely by the Green Energy and Green Economy Act and Ontario’s new renewable energy Feed-in Tariff, guaranteeing the price paid to companies and homeowners who generate renewable power.

Thanks to Paul Gipe (www.wind-works.org) for the tip.