Last October, we posted a blog titled, Beware of BPA When Buying? about the average cash register using BPA-receipt technology (not all cash registers do) having 60 - 100 mg of the substance available and ready for uptake. This may occur through the skin or by being transferred onto food and ingested.
Well now the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has found that 40% of the 36 receipts sampled from major U.S. businesses and services, including McDonald's, CVS, KFC, Whole Foods, Walmart, and Safeway, contained BPA. Testing also determined that the total amounts of BPA on the tested receipts were 250 - 1,000 times greater than other exposure sources.
Receipts from some major chains, including Target, Starbucks, and Bank of America ATMs, were BPA-free or contained only trace amounts, clearly indicating that BPA (pdf) exposure via cash register receipts isn’t the way it has to be.
Click here for more information on the EWG study.