What's up with Liberals straying from their roots in the faint hope of attracting Conservatives?
Latest up: Alberta Liberal leader David Swann, an honest-to-goodness nice guy who came to prominence by getting fired by the Ralph Klein government for supporting Kyoto.
Now, he's going against federal Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff for the latter's promise to formalize a tanker ban in BC waters, a move that would effectively end Enbridge's pitch to bring dirty oil from the tar sands to the BC coast.
Last time I checked, BC voters were overwhelmingly against having supertankers plying their coastline - those are of course voters that Mr. Swann by definition cannot court, unlike Mr. Ignatieff.
Which raises the question: exactly which voters is Mr. Swann going after here? His two biggest provincial rivals are trying to out-do one another with their pro-tar sands rhetoric, whereas polls show that Albertans have a more nuanced version of needing to do a better job on that file.
Perhaps Mr. Swann would have better luck returning to his roots, and taking a more progressive position on the issues.
Matt Price
Policy Director